Medical Database has developed innovative solutions for EMR users to streamline test ordering by ensuring selections are based on disease, clinical relevance, and medical necessity through computerized provider order entry (CPOE) and Laboratory Decision System (LDS®).

CPOE (Computerized Provider Order Entry)

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The test-ordering system, CPOE is specifically designed to integrate seamlessly with EMR, LIMS, and EHR systems, to help healthcare providers select and order the most appropriate lab tests using evidence-based guidelines and industry best practices.

CPOE is backed by our laboratory database, LDS®. LDS® uses our proprietary scoring system designed to rank testing recommendations based on clinical relevance, medical necessity, and testing indication. Each time an order is placed via the CPOE it automatically includes the appropriate CPT code, diagnostic ICD10 code and LCD/NDC to meet medical necessity for reimbursement.

  • Instant medical necessity checks

  • Improves reimbursement by decreasing denials

  • Cost reduction by reducing human capital

  • Improves Medicare and Insurance compliance

  • Backed by trusted clinical guidelines

  • Simple integration with HL7 or FHIR

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LDS® (Laboratory Decision System) app

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LDS® (Laboratory Decision System) is available as a web or smartphone app for providers using CPOE and serves as instant content for all commercially available tests (over 2200 diagnostic tests), including genetic and proprietary tests. It delivers immediate bedside guidance for test selection and utilization, assisting healthcare providers, laboratorians, and students in choosing the most appropriate tests through utilization of our proprietary scoring system.

Tests can be searched based on symptoms, diseases, procedures or CPT codes, and ICD10 codes. Each time an order is placed via the LDS platform by a healthcare provider, our system will suggest the most appropriate/common diagnostic ICD10 code and LCD/NCD for such tests to meet medical necessity for better reimbursement. Included in this vast database is content for each test, including test overview, clinical utility, interpretation, reference ranges, specimen collection, additional testing, LOINC codes, CPT and ICD10 codes, along with references used for publication that can be utilized for test directory and as a resource for providers and laboratorians. To sign up for the trial version, please visit https://app.medicaldatabase.com/site/join/account, or check the video to see how it works.

  • The most reliable resource for lab testing for providers and students

  • Designed specifically for instant answers to lab needs

  • Available as a web based or smartphone app

  • Free subscription when use with CPOE

  • Content is continuously updated by medical experts

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